Seven Best Ways To Overcome Your Insecurities

We have all experienced being insecure at some point in our lives. Whether it’s low academic performance, self-consciousness about our looks, or just feeling uneasy when speaking in public. Everyone has insecurities, and we all do.

Insecurities may be debilitating. It’s nearly difficult not to notice them and consider how they could affect your life after you’ve been exposed to them. The good news is that the majority of people overcome their insecurities and live their lives without them. They’ve discovered ways to change their negative behaviors into good ones, or they’ve gained confidence by learning from the mistakes of others.

Have you ever battled your insecurities? If this is the case, chances are they made you feel like a loser. Insecure people frequently believe they are incapable of reaching their aspirations and goals because they lack confidence.

What steps can you take to conquer your fears? How can you silence the negative voices in your head? I’ll go through the best techniques to overcome these little demons and learn how to be comfortable with yourself.

  1. Think about how you would treat a friend going through the same thing. Treat yourself that way, too

If your friend is dealing with insecurities, remember that you would treat them with care, empathy, and patience. So why not show yourself the same thing?

Sometimes we tend to treat others better than we treat ourselves. We are nicer, more patient, etc. to others than we are to ourselves. So, the next time your insecurities strike, remember to be your own best friend. Comfort yourself in the same way that you would comfort a friend. Treat yourself with the same consideration that you would show a friend. Remember to be kind to yourself.

“A man’s spirit is free, but his pride binds him with chains of suffocation in a prison of his own insecurities.”

Jeremy Aldana
  1. Know that being insecure doesn’t have to define you

Everyone experiences feelings of insecurity at some point in their life. It can be triggered by a number of circumstances, including childhood traumas, or even just comparing yourself to others. The good news is that you don’t have to let insecurity define you.

There are things you may do to overcome your insecurity and boost your self-esteem. Your insecurities are just the result of your mind focusing on what others have rather than what you have. Your insecurities are not you. (I have a blog post on how to increase confidence, you can check it out if you want!)

“Insecurity kills all that is beautiful”

  1. What other people think is none of your business

Why should you be concerned about what other people think anyway? It’s easy to get caught up in what other people think of us in this fast-paced, social media-driven society.

We compare ourselves to others and are concerned about what others think of our decisions, looks, and lives. But the fact is that it is none of our concern what other people think. What matters is how we see ourselves.

Successful people understand that what other people believe is irrelevant to them. They aren’t concerned about what other people think of them. Instead, they concentrate on their own ambitions and life.

“The reason we struggle with insecurity is because we compare our behind-the-scenes with everyone else’s highlight reel.” 

Steve Furtick
  1. Recognize and accept your insecurities

You must know your insecurities and why they occur. This will give you an idea of what you may change in your life to reduce or eliminate them. You must also learn how to accept them since doing so will make you feel better. Nobody can use your insecurities against you if you’ve learned to accept them. You may also utilize your insecurities to your benefit.

“If you are insecure, guess what? The rest of the world is, too. Do not overestimate the competition and underestimate yourself. You are better than you think.” 

Timothy Ferriss
  1. Use your strengths to fight off insecurity when it creeps up on you

Learn to define all of your strengths and use them anytime insecurities creep up on you. For example, you may have exceptionally beautiful hair or eyes of a unique color, but you feel self-conscious about your nose since it is not pointy enough.

You may tell yourself whenever you feel insecure that you have lovely hair and eyes. This allows you to concentrate on what you have rather than what you don’t. It will make you grateful and really focus on the beautiful things you have.

To be honest, I used to be plagued with insecurities. I’m self-conscious about my skin color, my height, and even my name. However, when I chose to embark on my own self-development journey, I discovered that I have attributes that others desired but that I did not value.

For example, my tanned complexion; in my country, most people consider tanned skin is ugly, but when I discovered on the internet that western people spend a lot of money only to get tanned, I valued my skin color. I now adore it. Perhaps you should do the same. Learn to recognize what is beautiful in you and then concentrate on it more.

“Life is very short. Insecurity is a waste of time.” 

Diane Von Furstenberg
  1. Remind yourself that you are enough and you are not perfect

You are enough and flawed. You have various talents and abilities that define who you are and what makes you enough and unique. You are perfectly imperfect.

“Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will.” 

Suzy Kassem
  1. Push yourself outside of your comfort zone

You will not grow if you only stay in your bubble. Pushing yourself beyond your comfort zone helps you acquire confidence, which will help you overcome your mental doubts. Going outside of your comfort zone may be uncomfortable, but it will help you develop and learn new things about life and yourself.

“Insecure people often falsify the past, in order to make the future pure.”

Shannon L. Alder

I hope that this post helps you have an idea of how to overcome your insecurities and live the life you want. What steps do you take to conquer your insecurities? Let me know in the comment section.

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